All Categories - H.O.P.E Alliance Singapore | An Integrative Approach to Mental Health

Hi, I'm Zoe, I was diagnosed with dyslexia during my secondary school days. I was diagnosed...
My journey of healing has been a long and difficult one, but I'm very happy to share that I have...
Back then, during the secondary school and college days, I was slowly hearing voices and feeling...
For centuries, stories have helped us to understand the things around us, to give it a purpose...
I am a former member of H.O.P.E. Alliance and I took a mental break from it for self-care before...
With the challenges we face, it truly seems like a rather uphill task. The worst is when the...
Having mental health issues is real. Some people choose to ignore mental health issues.  They...
发生精神状况的事时,有少许人会选择否认的态度来过生活,甚至不承认药物的重要性。 首先,我要分享我与药物的缘分。 药物--它是个康复的象征,吃了它就会好起来,这一向来是我儿时对药的印象。当...
Since young, I was quite academically inclined. I did well for both my ‘O’ Levels and ‘A’ Levels....
It’s easy to let yourself go (and not in a good way) when you hit a bump in the road. Basic...
2021年9月8日 · Stories Of Hope
On bad days, getting out of bed is hard; trying to stop the tides seem a lot easier. When these...
2021年9月8日 · Stories Of Hope
For most of us, we have our safe space. We cherish it, we embrace it, we run back to it when all...
2021年9月8日 · Stories Of Hope
We all know the saying – an idle mind is the devil’s playground. This saying holds no truer...
2021年9月8日 · Recovery Stories
Fresh graduate Gina was 16 years old when she developed social anxiety, due to bad social...